管道清洗 - Ottawa Indoor Air Quality | Enviropure Home 服务-优德游戏app



Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification
Amdecon certified biohazard specialist certification
ABRA Certified Bio-Recovery Technician Seal


随着时间的推移,灰尘和其他污染物自然会在我们的家里和办公室里积聚. 唯一的区别是, 不像你家里的其他地方, you can’t clean your air ducts with a vacuum or duster. 随着时间的推移,灰尘、污垢、过敏原和霉菌会在你的暖通空调系统内积聚. Hair and dander are also likely to accumulate within your vents if you have pets. 当暖通空调系统将空气排入室内时,这些毒素会在室内空气中循环. Your system will also be less efficient as a result of the pollutants. They clog the filters in your system and can block the vents.

You care about keeping your Ottawa property clean and healthy, 但你的暖通空调管道系统可能会被忽视. 随着时间的推移,暖通空调系统中的空气管道会聚集杂质,并在家中循环. It’s critical to clean these ducts on a regular basis to enhance the 家里的空气质量 and make your HVAC system work more efficiently.

渥太华Enviropure Home在高质量的工作和出色的成果方面建立了良好的声誉. Our duct cleaning specialists are here to meet your needs in a prompt, professional manner with our personalised Ottawa duct cleaning service.

office ventilation system that has been cleaned by the enviropure team


Basic cleaning of air ducts can be done at home, 然而, 建议专业的风管清洁,以确保您的家庭空气的最高质量. Not only can clean air ducts promote healthy living for you and your family, but they also create a more energy-efficient space. 专业的风管清洗可以保证 过敏原 细菌被小心地清除,这样你的家人就可以好好呼吸,享受他们生活的空间.

  • Clean the exterior of your furnace and AC units.*
  • Clean your 干燥通风s to maximize their efficiency and reduce fire hazards
  • Clean your ducts and remove all 过敏原 and bacteria


*We do not inspect, perform maintenance on, or repair these systems. Only a certified HVAC professional can do this.



需要清洗地毯吗?? 寻找装修后的清理工作? Or maybe you just need a thorough house cleaning. 今天优德游戏app免费评估!



如果你最近搬家或重新装修了你的家,清理你的空间的管道是必须的. 你家里的空气质量可能会受到任何装修或你家里的前居民的影响. At Enviropure we offer duct cleaning in the entire Ottawa area including; Barrhaven, Kanata, 布莱克本哈姆雷特, 奥尔良, 格里利, Stittsville和Nepean. Some other benefits to cleaning your air ducts include:

  • 改善空气质素
  • 去除细菌 & 过敏原
  • 减少水电费
  • 增加加热器的使用寿命

今天优德游戏app,获得免费报价, and get started on improving the air you and your family breathe.

A dirty duct in need of cleaning by enviropure home cleaning


One aspect of our duct cleaning services includes dryer cleaning. 烘干机的通风口被留下来收集碎片和绒毛,这是渥太华房屋火灾的首要原因之一. If there is not enough space for the hot air to properly escape the vents, 这会导致烘干机过热. 如果你注意到以下情况, it may mean that it’s time for your 干燥通风 to be cleaned:

  • Clothes are not dry after the usual drying cycle
  • More time/more cycles are needed to run the dryer
  • Clothing is very hot when you take it out of the dryer

我们建议您每年清洁一次烘干机通风口,以确保您的烘干机工作高效安全. Connect with our team to book services for duct cleaning.


经常 问问题

Answers to some of our frequently asked questions about Ottawa duct cleaning. If you have any other questions, feel free to 联系 Enviropure today.

作为改善和保持室内空气质量的重要步骤,强烈建议清洁管道. 有了专业的管道清洁,你是在投资空气,你和你的家人呼吸. 管道清洁也有利于热空气和冷空气的均匀分布-取决于季节-可以帮助您节省水电费,并延长HVAC系统的使用寿命. 灰尘是家里很常见的东西. 住在一个房子里的人越多, 随着时间的推移,灰尘会越来越多, 这些灰尘会进入你的管道系统, and can get blown out at times when the heat or A/C is running, meaning you and your family could be breathing in dust. That’s why regular duct cleaning is a great idea. 室内空气质量与室外空气质量既有相似之处,也有不同之处——相似之处是空气中可能存在污染物, 从内部和外部的起源.

We conduct indoor air quality testing as well as duct cleaning in Ottawa, helping thousands of homeowners and their families breathe better air. 联系 我们今天!

你会大吃一惊的! 说到管道清洁, 我们遇到了各种各样不属于那里的东西——我们还听到了行业内更奇怪的事情的故事. Coffee cups and cigarette butts are pretty common, 首先,当施工人员在现场时,这些通常会进入管道系统. 由于他们的粗心和疏忽, 这些碎片留在你家里, 随着时间的推移, becomes a detractor to your home’s indoor air quality. 以前住在你家的人在管道里留下了什么东西,不管是无意的还是其他的? 可能是任何东西,从非法毒品到结婚戒指到情书, and we’ve seen and/or heard of practically everything. If you’re lucky, maybe there’s money in those ducts!

不幸的是,很可能会有碎片、垃圾、微粒和/或污染物. 不要冒险; 联系 我们今天得到一个专业的管道清洁在渥太华优越的室内空气质量.

Really, duct cleaning in Ottawa can be performed year-round. Some of this will depend on your particular goals and needs for duct cleaning. 对于那些患有过敏症的人, springtime can bring more than its fair share of 花粉 and other particulates. 如果你一直在打开窗户,发现自己开始过敏——即使窗户是关着的——很可能是你的管道系统里的颗粒引发了你的过敏. 如果你在整个春季和/或夏季都在做家庭装修项目, 然后你可能想在秋天找一个专业的管道清洁-在打开炉子之前. 有段时间没打扫管道了? – say a few years or more – we’d be happy to come out any time of year, 即使是在渥太华的冬天, 确保你得到适当的管道清洁,帮助你和你的家人呼吸更清洁的空气.

联系 我们今天 to book our duct cleaning services in Ottawa.

Dryer vents most definitely need to be cleaned. These can be one of the biggest fire risks in your home! 渥太华的房主, 房东或物业经理如果不清洁烘干机排气口,烘干机可能会过热, 因为没有足够的空间让烘干机里的热空气恰当地逸出室内. Eventually, the heating element on the dryer could break. 烘干机过热会引起火灾. 这就是为什么干燥机排气口清洁很重要. We offer 干燥通风 cleaning as part of our Ottawa duct cleaning services. Some signs that it’s time for a 干燥通风 cleaning include: Clothes not drying quickly as they used to; more time / more cycles needed to run the dryer; clothing is very hot when you take it out of the dryer; and/or it’s been a year or more since your last 干燥通风 cleaning.

联系 我们今天 if you are in need of dryer cleaning services.

这两种情况都需要清洗管道. 让我们先看看新家吧. You’d think that a new home would be like a new car, right? If you drove a new car off the dealership lot, 毕竟, your first stop wouldn’t be for a car wash or an oil change. So why should you hire us for duct cleaning in a new home? 好吧, as much as we’d like to say nice things about home builders in Ottawa, 并不是所有的船员和潜艇都像你(或我们)一样小心翼翼. 我们在渥太华新建房屋和公寓的管道里看到了各种各样的碎片, from cigarette butts and newspapers to Tim Horton’s coffee cups and more. 太粗心了! 不幸的是, 你不可能知道他们做了什么,直到你注意到管道里有奇怪的气味, 或者你遇到管道堵塞,最终花费更多的水电费和/或暖通空调维修费用. The same goes for home renovation – maybe not as careless, 但仍, all kinds of particulates and debris can end up in the ducts, 从干墙块 & 灰尘到油漆微粒等等.

For either post-construction or post-renovation, Ottawa duct cleaning is a great idea to help your indoor air quality. 联系 我们今天!
